Wednesday, July 01, 2015

Happy Canada Day!

About a month ago, in a fit of patriotic exhuberance, I sewed up a short sleeved Canada Day jersey for Gourd.

Gourd, Pumpkin, and Benjamin Bowser

I also managed a Canada Day tank top and red pants for Elfonda.

Zenawii and Elfonda

The dolls were then posed in my usual display area waiting for good weather so that I could do an outdoor photo shoot. You know, a Canada Day picnic or something?

  Happy Canada Day!

But that's about as far as my enthusiasm carried me before I was distracted, absorbed in other hobbies and interests. "Good weather" came and yet I procrastinated, caught up with company, year end school activities and so forth. Well, now that good weather has hung around long enough for it to become unbearably HOT outside and in, I just don't have the oompf to get out there in the heat and blazing sun to do all it takes for a successful photo shoot with the dolls.

In fact, I'm feeling kind of like Peanut and Neelie here. Too hot, tired, and lazy to get up and get moving!

Peanut and Neelie

So I apologize. All you get this year is a few low light, indoor, iPhone photos of the resin gang. This is no reflection on my love for Canada. I live in a great country! The heat, and a general feeling of lethargy, is just really kicking my butt today!
Happy Canada Day!


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