As requested by Gene, a before and after of Flame's faceplate.
And for anyone else that is not familiar with the faceplate system of Fairyland ball jointed dolls, the faceplate clicks into place on the head back, which looks like this (minus the eyes which I had temporarily stored there while I waited for the faceplate to arrive).
Ball jointed dolls are fully customizable. Individual owners' choices for eyes, wigs, face painting, and wardrobes can make a huge difference in the perceived character of the dolls.
Here are some examples of other customized Realfee Sosos.
And here is one with a "default faceup", which means the faceup the Fairyland studio does on the doll if you request it and pay an additional fee.
Thanks, now I can see what a great job the artist that did Flame's faceup did for you.