Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Late Exhibition Report

Just realized that I never did report back to my readers about my Chilliwack Exhibition entries for this year. Enough time has passed that I can barely remember what I entered let alone how each entry did! (Why yes, I DO have a very short memory!) I do recall that I entered 6 items and all 6 got some sort of ribbon. No rosettes this year, but lets see if I can search Flickr files to see what was entered and which ribbons were won for each category.

Oh. This photo is somewhat helpful. It at least shows the ribbons won in the weaving department.

4 entries and 4 ribbons

A second for my Saori "8/2 Blues" yardage.

Hand woven yardage

A first place ribbon for my Saori vest,

Hand woven garment
Hand woven garment

Another first for the little red cross-body bag with its handwoven Saori fabric.

Hand woven bag

The Saori woven coasters also won a first. I'll be posting a bit of a tutorial tomorrow about how those were finished. Come back around if you are interested and haven't already found my explanation on Ravelry.

Hand woven "mug rugs"

The other two ribbons were won in a different department. For sewing I received a third place ribbon on the orange Runaround Bag.

Runaround Bag

And finally, in crocheting, a first for the miniature 1/4 scale afghan I made for the doll couch. 

Minifee Couch

So there you go, the 6 ribbons won at this year's Chilliwack Exhibition, though I neglected to get photos of the ribbons with those last two projects.


  1. Ah, I finally looked up the Runaround Bag and see it is a Joan Hawley design. I have taken one of her classes and the one with the Runaround Bag is on my wish list.
    Congrats on all your wins. You did a great job. I will be looking forward to the "how to" on the coasters.

  2. The class with the Runaround bag also has a great little boxy bag that reminds me of a man's shaving kit Gene. I haven't tried that pattern yet but her tips for sewing in the zipper of the Runaround and getting *perfect* top-stitching are great! I can't believe I've been sewing this long and did not think to move the sewing machine *needle* so that even top-stitching was just a matter of running along the edge of a seam.

  3. Congrats on all the ribbons. Well deserved.
    I love tutorials. I will be back!
