Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Trixie's Introduction

I've been selling off some of my dolls, my interest in them waning and my available time being dedicated to other hobbies. I'm working my way down to just two dolls, but a fun little newcomer arrived today.

This is Trixie. She is a bit of an impulse buy, and technically she was only a "faceplate", not a full doll.

When the new Fairyland Realfee face sculpt, "Sira",  was introduced a few months ago I instantly fell in love. The face reminded me so much of my eldest daughter, Lisa, when she was just an infant. For several months after she was born Lisa always had the tip of her tongue hanging out, even for portraits!

Playing with a character idea.

Trouble was the Sira faceplate is not all that easy to come by, especially if you are downsizing your collection and not wanting to buy additional dolls. Sira is a limited edition "event faceplate", a gift with purchase incentive. You can only get one by placing an order of a qualifying dollar amount, or by buying from the second hand Marketplace.

So when my friend and doll artist, "Ban Sidhe", mentioned that she had ordered during the promotional period I asked her if she had qualified for the limit edition special gift faceplate, the Sira.

She had indeed, but had no specific plans for the qualifying gift faceplate and agreed to not only sell it to me, but to modify the tongue to a shorter, rounded shape and to give the modified faceplate a faceup before mailing it to me. 

When Trixie arrived she immediately took over Tingle's body and pronounced it a perfect fit. Poor Tingle might be moving along to a new home shortly as I truly do intend to limit myself to only two dolls. I like that Trixie's large, upturned elfish ears and happy, mischievous expression are a better match for the happy, playful Flame.

Flame and Trixie.


  1. I love the story behind Trixie, it makes her all the more special. She is adorable, Ban did such a good job on the two of them.

  2. I have to agree that your face enhanced Sira -aka Trixie - is adorable. She would be hard to resist.

  3. Yes, Joanne the personal memories really pushed me to adopt this new one. Ban has done all of the custom faceups on my dolls. Zenawii (the male Minifee Yder) had one by someone else but I bought him that way. Peanut (my first bjd, the Littlefe Ante Elf) has a default Fairyland faceup.

    Some day Gene I'll convince you to get a ball jointed doll. Just think, you could make them little mini-quilts and they could pose for photographs with your works-in-progress.
