Saturday, December 10, 2016

That's Enough!

Christmastime and snow seem to be a natural go together, but enough already!

It's just not safe to walk a dog along the road mess that has been pushed onto the sidewalks so I took Kona to a nearby park only to find that the walking was pretty tough there too.

Kona is no dummy though. She walked along the edge, almost under the shrubs, where the snow wasn't so deep -- and left me to slog through the more difficult depths.

My trailKona's trail

I paid her back by taking her picture. She hates cameras and refuses to look at them. (Sorry about the up-the-nose shot Kona.)

I haven't seen icicles forming on a building for years.

These ones, on a building in the park, were particularly long and beautiful.


  1. Love icicles! The two paths are hilarious! ...but the sweater is what REALLY makes it :)

  2. Kona is my son's dog. I care for her and take her for a long daily walk while he is working. The sweater is something he purchased for her a couple of years ago. It fits her better than her regular fleece lined rain coat. Usually around here it's the rain coat that is needed!
