Saturday, May 06, 2017

A Child Pushed Me

Happy Weaver

My granddaughters were here for a brief visit today and the youngest "really, really" wanted to weave. I went in with her, as I always do, and she sat at "The Pickle Loom" and I sat at mine. Her companionship was just the push I needed to get moving on a "dog warp" that I have for some reason felt less inspired by.

A child pushed me --

I'm not exactly sure why the warp has been repelling me. I like the colours -- at least individually. I think the problem may be that I just don't like the way they are presenting together in the warp. I find the individual strands of bright yellow to be jarring, disruptive, out of harmony in some way. It's too much of a contrast and the spacing breaks the weaving up into small bits. Whatever! It's finished and I can now move on to something I find more inspiring. 

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