Monday, October 30, 2017

Eenie, Meanie and Hermoine

Meet the hard working Panda Tetras that are here to cycle the tank. I've named them Eeny, Meanie, and Hermoine. Watching the 12 second video you might be able to figure out which one is "Meanie".


Meanie may have to move out when Ben, the Betta, is ready to move in. With Ben's large beautiful fins and prior solitary lifestyle a nipper and chaser might not be a welcome tank mate.


  1. I don't think Meanie would be a good tank mate for Ben.

  2. Yah, I don't think so either Gene, but my son would like me to give him (her?) a chance. I'm not so sure though. If I do put Ben in with Meanie I'll be standing by with a net to intercept any bullies. If Meanie chooses to be hostile towards the intended tank recipient he may find himself living in a small Beta tank until I can relocate him elsewhere.

    If I have to get rid of the Panda Tetras I have three options. Both my son and my younger daughter have tanks that could accommodate them. But the pet store also said with the receipt I can return any fish for up to 12 days. Meanie may find himself up for adoption again.

    Do you have fish Gene?

  3. Neon Tetras and Glowlights make great tank mates Bettas; same with White Cloud Mountain Minnows (you can get them fairly cheap at pet stores). I never had issues with aggressiveness when I had my Bettas with them, but since you have a 5 gallon tank, you are better off with the Betta and the snails (read your latest post about the Nerite Snails)5 gallon is small for any tetras since they are a schooling fish that needs at least 4 or 5 for them to be happy.

    Its a fun relaxing hobby that's for sure :D

  4. I can't really judge whether the tetras are happy or not, Sweet Melodies, but they do seem to be doing okay. They chase each other around a lot and one of them spends a lot of time hiding, but they are all eating well and look healthy. They don't seem to bother Ben, the betta, and he doesn't bother them other than occasionally chasing them away from a favoured area. But actually, he does less chasing than they do themselves.

    My son bought the Panda tetras to cycle the tank. They lived through the experience and I wouldn't really have anywhere to send them to if I was inclined to get rid of them. My daughter's tank is out of the question since they have had a large die off due to Ick. My son's is no longer an option either since he will be moving in the next while. I've always had qualms about having only 3 of this schooling fish but obviously with such a small tank I don't have room for more fish.
