Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Fun Little Fellow

I've been helping out as a daily volunteer in my granddaughter's classroom. That commitment has left precious little time for crafting which in turn leaves little to blog about. But there HAS been one fun little addition around here. 

I HAD been selling off my ball jointed dolls, intent on leaving the hobby. This little Dream High Studio "House Elf" enchanted me and convinced me that I was missing out on too much fun.

My original intent was to style him as a drab "old man next door" type of character -- a quiet loner into books, newspapers and other solitary activities. He went along with that idea for a brief bit but is now demanding much more colour, pattern, and FUN in his life. 

With his direction and supervision I've made him a fun new chair. Now he is refusing to get into his drab old man clothes.  He wants a new wardrobe too! "Lots of colour, pattern, and FUN, just like the chair!", says he.

Oh. And apparently I'm to make another chair. He says he's intent on wooing a lovely lady he has just met via the Internet and when she comes visiting she'll need a place to sit. 


  1. These characters are certainly a fun direction to go in the hobby. I love the chair, it is the perfect place for this colorful old man to sit.

  2. I hope he is wearing clothes when the little lady comes to visit - or she might just move on to someone younger.

  3. That is a great chair, and he has such a fun face.

    What do you mean leave the hobby? How? (I say even though my own poor Gryffin and Kotori have not been properly played with for . . . well . . let's see, my son is going to be two so that . . anyway. . my Pukis still have fun with me on my work desk). I hope you don't leave completely - I love your dolls, creations, and stories!

  4. Thanks Joanne. I'm trying to find the time to get to the second chair. The underlying structure is made and the fabrics are chosen, but so far no time.

    Well the plan is for some rather colourful and fanciful clothing Gene, but there is no rush. The artist creating his lady friend is still in the very early stages of her production. I'm guessing it will be at least six months before this funny fellow's female counterpart is in my hands.

    Isn't he a hoot Sweetsknit? His face kind of reminds me of my betta fish! As far as leaving the hobby goes I've already downsized considerably over the past few years, selling off most of my dolls. Until this new elderly character arrived I had been down to just the two Realfees, Trixie and Flame. They haven't had much attention except from the occasional repositioning or redressing by my two granddaughters. Life's been busy and I guess I just got caught up in other hobbies and lost interest in the dolls. We'll see how I do with this new direction. Perhaps it will be the spark that awakens the interest again.
