Thursday, November 08, 2018

Walking the Docs

The slow and sometimes painful break in period for a new pair of Doc Marten 1460 boots is almost over.

I successfully wore them today for a long dog walk followed by two appointments and some errands. Over eight hours of continuous wear without a blister or sore spot. Yay! For a while there I was worried that this day would never come.


  1. Is that what it takes? 8 hrs of continuous wear? I have a paid of Colombian hikers (mid level toppers) ...hmm, my left back of foot tendon isn't liking it

  2. PJ, with Docs the popular advice is to not give up, that it could take a month before they are fully broken in but from that point on they will be your most comfortable boots ever. I was diligent, wearing them for several hours every day, though at first only around the house. Eventually I did some research and discovered it helps to rub Vaseline into the inside of the boot at trouble spots and then really work the leather with your hands. I pulled the back of the boot down hard and manipulated the fold. It really softened up that area that was rubbing the Achilles tendon. The boots are great now.
