Saturday, June 08, 2019

Long Necked Patchy

Since I'm bringing three exhibits to ANWG and all three present best on a mannequin, I contacted the organizers to see if they could use more mannequins if I brought them. The answer was "Yes!".

I had one store mannequin of my own, I borrowed another just like it from a fellow guild member, and then asked at a guild meeting for permission to also borrow the one pictured above. The trouble with the one above was that she was in a rather sad state of disrepair. She had some rather large chips missing from the exterior surface and, upon close inspection, I realized that several more spots were about to go as well. It wouldn't be a simple matter of just spray painting her since chunks were flaking away and peeling off.

I decided (with permission) to paper mache over her completely in an attempt to hold her together. Newly completed she's still wet and shiny. She should dry matte.

My husband has commented several times that she looks "vein-y" now. Do you think I should spray paint her? I kind of like her the way she is, sort of rustic looking.


  1. I think veiny is fine as long as it is pleasing next to the other two.

  2. Well actually, they are not at all alike Laurice, but there is a good chance that the display won't place them anywhere near each other anyway. "Patchy" will be used to display a cowl/scarf while the other two will be used to display garments. And that's only if they use the mannequins I bring for my things. The organizers may end up using them elsewhere or for other exhibits since they will be trying to make a cohesive display from all that is entered.

    An example of the other two mannequins is visible in my post titled "Squirrel".
