Friday, July 26, 2019

Time for Replacements

I finally got around to making replacement hanging towels for my kitchen.

The ones I made in 2016 are headed for the rag bag, well worn and past their "best before" date. They have served well and owe me nothing. I will salvage the buttons for the next batch though.

Pattern is a freebee published at "Keliosbelly". 


  1. (Grin) So this time you are only making four instead of six? That will mean that you will wear them out sooner , right? Then you can make new again.

  2. LOL, yes, that's right Gene. I was only able to find two dish towels that I liked. They have to be the kind where the image reverses in the middle -- or plain of course. Four should be enough since I do laundry frequently but, as you say, they are likely to wear out faster.
