Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Conflicting Opinions

In a more colourful nod to the "Magnolia Pearl" style I took a thrifted natural cotton canvas curtain and sewed up a pair of overalls using the "GW TR005" pattern by "GetWeaving" on Etsy. I then ice-dyed the finished garment. I was not satisfied with where the colours landed with the random nature of that sort of dyeing technique so I also used fabric paints to make a trail of marks down the front and back.

I love them! ---  My husband hates them. *sigh* He says they do nothing for my figure. Well concealing my "figure" was more of what I had in mind anyway and I am very happy with them.

I haven't actually gotten rave reviews from anyone else either, but they are SO comfortable and, well, FUN to wear that I'll likely ignore all negative opinions and just wear them anyway and enjoy myself.


  1. Wow! They are spectacular and you look wonderful in them. Rushing off to buy the pattern too. �� Many years ago I lived in dungarees, as we call them, and I’ve been thinking about getting Sarah’s pattern for a while. You’ve convinced me and if they cover the lumps and bumps even better lol x

  2. I think this such a cute and comfy outfit on you! I also have been thinking about buying Sarah's pattern for the dungarees and now want to make them more than ever. I think they look very 'artsy' and charming on you. Chelle

  3. Thanks Julie, RagingMoon and Chelle. Your vote acceptance of them is a boost to my moral. Even as a teen I was willing to go out on a limb a bit with what I wear and not be entrenched in the mainstream fashion ideal but it is difficult to overcome a negative reaction by the one person who must see you the most. On the one hand I wear them anyway, but I also don't want him to think it is a rebellion or that I wear them to annoy him. It's not that at all. I just love them that much!

    For those thinking of buying the pattern just a heads up that they are very roomy. I'm actually a 1/2" bigger in all the crucial measurements than the size I made indicates and yet I can still pull them on and off without undoing the zipper. They also only have a 28" inseam. I'll be adding some length there if (when?) I make another pair.
