Tuesday, October 08, 2019

Under Construction

We've been very busy lately. My sewing room is getting a much needed overhaul. Over the past few days, with a whole lot of work and many, many trips up and down the stairs, I've gone from the photo on the left, to the one on the right.

Much of what had been in the sewing room landed in the family room downstairs where it will have to stay until the sewing room is once again habitable.

Plans are in the works for new flooring, new paint, a large Kallax cube storage unit, a desk from IKEA, and a sturdy new pressing station made from a Kallax cube unit. The biggest ordeal will likely be the removal of a built in closet and patching the scars it leaves behind.

But this closet takes up way too much space in the tiny 9'5" x 9'9" room and doesn't store a lot in return. My new desk will go there instead.


  1. WOO-HOO! and I know it's a lot harder than what can be shown in a photo! I just did my garage! :O need to share pictures...but ...it's not completed yet ;)

  2. Yes, PJ, a magic wand would have been helpful! Dreading the thought of hauling it all back upstairs when the time comes, but at least that task will be lightened by the thought of a much more efficient work space to move into.

  3. It's going to be fantastic and well worth the effort. I hope it doesn't take too long to get it all done.

  4. Well Julie, there is hope. My husband has actually started on it ahead of schedule and works on it a little each day. The closet in the room is being torn out now. He hopes to be at the painting stage by November 1st.
