Friday, November 08, 2019

Unusual Fibre Arts Tool

I've joined the ranks of power tool users. Though I can't grunt like Tim Allen of "Home Improvement" the thought is there.

This cordless electric screw driver is not borrowed from my husband. It's brand new and it's mine, all mine! It's a gift from a wonderful husband who understands that there are more thoughtful things than flowers.

Although perhaps my use of it is a little unconventional?

I'll be using it to speedily wind the cops of cotton singles from the limited capacity (about 0.25 oz) charkha spindles to a storage bobbin that will hold much more length. When the storage bobbins are full I can then place them on a Lazy Kate and use my wheel to ply two or more together.


  1. Ha ha... I have a cordless drill that I use for winding bobbins when I am using my rigid heddle loom and not at home.

    GREAT Gift!

  2. I had been using his cordless drill Gene, but struggled with it because it's heavier and only had one speed - ultra fast! If I got backspin on the spindle the torque of the drill would snap the single. This smaller, lighter cordless screwdriver can be adjusted for less speed and less torque. It's working great!
