Tuesday, December 31, 2019

All Dressed and Ready for New Years

Fully dressed and ready for the New Years celebration.

The loom that is, not me!

Some weavers like to start a new year with the loom dressed with something new, full of potential. I'm wanting to do more weaving in 2020 than I did in 2019 so I felt a fresh new warp was a good place to start. Ironically, as I pack up the Christmas decorations, this warp will likely be for Christmas stockings to be sold at the Christmas Craft Market next November. 


  1. Love your thoughts! Yes, more crafts/art for me! More books....sooooo many books so little time ;) Happy 2020!

  2. My kind of New Year's Eve. LOL

  3. I have so many hobbies all competing for the same few hours in the day that I don't read as much as I might otherwise, PJ, but I do find a little time to read each day.

    Mine too Gene and at a family gathering on New Years Day I was one of the few that wasn't exhausted from staying up to greet the coming of the new decade.
