Wednesday, December 04, 2019

It's NOW the Christmas Season

It's now officially the Christmas season.

For some the start of the Christmas season is the American Thanksgiving, for others it's "Black Friday" when they hit all the sales. For many children it's the opening of the first window on their advent calendar. For still others it's when they decorate a Christmas tree or shop for a present for a loved one.

For me the start of the Christmas season has always been marked by the baking of the first batch of shortbread. That's usually the 1st of December for me, so I'm a little late this year. A relatively new tradition for me, discovered a few years ago, is enjoying a glass of cranberry liqueur. I'm by no means a "boozer" and this delicious small treat is reserved for the Christmas season.

Dragon Mist Liqueur is made right here in the Fraser Valley of British Columbia, Canada. 


  1. Happy Christmas Season!!! Cheers!

  2. Thanks PJ. I hope you and your family enjoy this festive season.
