Monday, February 03, 2020

Necessary Sewing

You may have been wondering if I actually sew in that beautifully redone sewing room. Why yes, there has been sewing. There just hasn't been much blogging about it.

This nightie/sleepshirt/whatever you want to call it, is one of my most recent ones, it and another just like it but in purple. I made them both using the Jalie pattern, #2805 Women's T-shirts for the upper part and then extended it to knee length and added the hem shaping of Jalie pattern #3245 Raglan Top, Racerback Tunic.

Something this plain I do less for the creating and more from simple need. I'm pretty picky about what I sleep in. Not one for the extremes of a flimsy negligee or a flannel granny gown, and not comfortable wearing pajama pants, I like the comfort of something like an oversized men's t-shirt  but longer so I'm not indecently exposed. I found a couple many years ago and wore them until they fell to pieces. It was time for new ones and I couldn't find what I wanted. Necessity is the drive behind this creation. 

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