Monday, March 23, 2020

Buttons Can Wait

Since the pandemic has closed all stores in this area that sell a good variety of buttons, and my huge button jar has produced nothing acceptable, the baby cardigan I just finished will have to remain buttonless for at least a while yet. That's okay since the baby it was made for isn't scheduled to make an appearance until May and the cardigan is a one year size anyway.

The little hat I made to coordinate with it is finished too.

I based the hat on the "Tiny Tot" hat pattern by Kristen Rettig, but made changes to accomodate my yarn choice, gauge, and preferred size. 

I'm particularly proud of my seaming efforts.

And since I don't know the gender of the expected baby ---

--- I also made a set in blue, but on that one I accidentally sewed the striped sleeve to the striped front. Ah well, I don't think it really matters.

The little fellow I made a set for last June has now grown into it.


  1. OMGoodness, the sweaters are adorable. I like the stripes and plain it just all works!
    A question: your ribbing on the bottom and your button band look like they flow together as one. Is the button band put on afterwards or did you do it as you knit the sweater?

  2. Thanks fey. The sweater is a very easy knit and it's a free pattern by Kristen Rettig called "Gingersnap". The bottom band and the buttonband are both knit in garter stitch as the pieces are knit. For the neckband, also in garter stitch, the stitches are picked up and knit last.
