Monday, March 09, 2020

Natural Green Up the Nose

A pound of natural green cotton arrived early this morning.

Of course I had to get spinning it right away! I must say it's a little different than spinning the Acada White or the Sarepta Brown cotton. I had more trouble getting started and my results, at least so far, are a little less consistent. I'm sure that will improve with practice and experience.

I also noticed that I'm getting a lot more airborne fluff flying about clinging to my face and getting up my nose. I think it would be wise to wear a facemask while spinning this. 

Of course with all this CoronaVirus hysteria going on the chances of being able to buy a facemask right now are practically nil. I guess I'll be looking up the home sewn variety before I continue.


  1. remember to see which end of the roving is the one that flows, it is directional, if you are in winter climate you may need just a bit more humidity for the fluff problem. Yes the colors are different to spin. I don't like spinning dyed cotton as well as natural colored ones. Gotta get the charka out again.

  2. Yes, thanks Eve, I do check the direction of the roving. I'm usually even right the first time. ;) It is winter, inching towards spring, but we never seem to have a lack of humidity here in this "Coastal Rainforest" zone.
