Monday, June 15, 2020

Painting in a Saori Way

My favourite section of the fun exercise assignment for today in Louise Fletcher's "Find Your Joy Free Taster 2020".

The basic assignment was to choose any 3 colours, along with black and white. The instructions were to use a large piece of paper taped off into smaller sections and for no longer than 30 minutes paint the entire page as a whole, using whatever tools we wished and disregarding the sections. 

The photo above is what I had done in the 30 minutes. I used bubble wrap, two sizes of paint brushes, a scrub brush, a toothbrush, a piece of plastic canvas, a folded piece of card stock, and the end of a large dowel.

We were then instructed to pull off the tape and photograph the work to share in the group. 

Here is a look at the other five sections close up. 

I saw similarities between my Saori weaving and my painting exercise. 

Both show my attraction to colour and texture.

I'd love for you to see what the other (over 6,000!) group members came up with in this assignment but it's a private Facebook group just for those who enrolled. 

Such variety has come from the same basic instructions, and I can see something to admire in everyone's efforts.


  1. I find your color choices interesting. Mine were a blue, yellow, and magenta. I guess I went with a rather primary color group. One thing I need to learn is working with neutrals only. My tendency is toward bright jewel toned colors.

  2. I'm another that usually chooses bright jewel toned colours, Gene. They feel "happy". I usually avoid more muted versions of colour like this gold. I purposely chose this time to not use the pure yellow hue that I had available, thinking it might steal the show.

    Hey, no need to work with neutrals if it doesn't appeal to you! That's the whole point of this course I think, to be true to your own inspiration and intuition. Follow that squirrel Gene, he's never done you wrong yet.
