Monday, July 13, 2020

A Start

It may not be much, but then I'm not much of a gardener!

Over the years all of the flowering plants and shrubs that were here when we moved in have gradually been removed. My husband is a great lawn guy. Our lawn always looks golf course pristine, but he's not much for anything that gets in the way of the lawn mower. That means that whenever landscaping renovations are done plants are removed but are not replaced. Tulips are mowed down before they have a chance to store energy for the next year's blooming.

I love flowers but not gardening so I've never dared complain much. I miss the flowering shrubs and my big magnolia tree. I understand why they had to be removed but I miss them.

A few weeks ago my husband brought home a 1/2 wine barrel to use as a planter. I went out and bought plants for it today. Knowing next to nothing about plants other than a passing acquaintance with a few plant names, I chose a "Yellow Canna Cannova" (Calla Lilly) as the tall feature plant in the back, 3 geraniums (violet, white, and a white-to-pink) in the mid-ground, and at the front a cascading petunia and some sort of cascading vine (lost the tag).

Hopefully the plantings will all do well and will fill out and be a pretty "welcome home" by our side gate. I consider it a learning experience. We'll see how they do and change up our choices next year if need be.

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