Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Packing Up Until Spring

With the cooler weather we've been experiencing lately it is getting harder to find a day warm enough to spray rocks with a base coat  

and then apply several coats of UV sealant when they are finished being decorated.

so I am packing up my paints until spring brings warmer temperatures.

The last three blue rocks, and about a dozen others, have yet to have their sealant applied.



  1. Beautiful! Time for everything....look forward to your winter projects! ;)

  2. I'm really struggling to find a project of any kind today, PJ! Despite my many hobbies and digging through my large-but-not-much-of-any-one-thing stash I cannot settle on a project. I even dug out the supplies to draw mandalas thinking I could decorate gift tags for Christmas presents, but that idea failed too. I'm floundering!!

  3. I purchased your pattern book "Wovenflame's Knitting Patterns for Pukifee" a several days ago and just got around to reading it. I think I understand it well enough except for the term "lifted stitch". Is that the same as K1, K1, psso? Thanks, Carolyn

  4. Hi "Unknown". I cannot answer you privately here. My email address should on your Paypal receipt. So here's hoping you come back here and find this answer?

    NO, it is not the same as a Sl 1, K1, psso. That would be a decrease. You are increasing when you do a lifted increase. There are tutorials on the technique on Youtube. Here is one for a left lifted increase.


    And another for the right lifted increase.


    If you can't find my email address on the receipt, try contacting me the same way you did when you purchased the pattern. Without your name or email address I have no way of following up or contacting you. Please don't leave your personal information here though!
