Friday, January 22, 2021

Whatever Cardigan Complete

 The cardigan I've been working on since late October is finally complete.

Lots of other hobbies and interests meant I spent limited time knitting. Usually only an hour in the evening while watching TV.

I also made innovations to the pattern which was designed strictly as a pullover.

I added vertical pocket openings at just the right height for comfort and then knit the inner portion in a thinner, very soft yarn.

I also steeked and cut open the front then knit a button band to create a cardigan. 

I'm happy with it. It's colourful and cozy. 

Things I'd do differently if I knit it again? I'd bring the neckline up a bit. It's not horrible or anything but my neck will get chilly if I'm not wearing a turtleneck underneath. I'd also make the button band just a wee bit wider, more for aesthetic reasons than anything else. 


  1. Wow this is a gorgeous sweater! So well done. I always prefer cardigans over pullover. You look �� chellec

  2. Thanks Chellec. I like it, and no one else will ever have one exactly like it. That's what I love about making much of my own wardrobe.

  3. Your sweater is lovely! And I think You are amazing!So creative and talented.

  4. Thanks Carol B.. Thanks to a long family heritage I was born with a strong desire to create, especially within the fibre arts. Any talent I might possess is just from decades of practice, practice, practice --- all while having fun and following my Muse.
