Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Nifty Bobbin Winder

Now that I have a loom in more than one room in my house, winding a bobbin for a loom in the weaving room meant walking to the living room where the Saori CH60 loom with its onboard bobbin winder resides. Not a long walk, but inconvenient when working on a project behind closed doors (puppy requirement!). The Saori loom is often draped in a dust cover too, making access even less convenient when I'm working on a different loom. Enter this nifty gadget.

This is a "bobbin speed winder insert" for my electric screwdriver. I purchased it from the Woolery during a 50% off sale.

It makes quick work of winding a shuttle bobbin and if you already own an electric drill or screwdriver it is a far less expensive option than buying an actual bobbin winder, especially an electric one!

Shipping and the US to Canadian exchange rate made it more expensive, of course, but still cheaper than the "real" bobbin winders --- which I also would have had to pay shipping and exchange rates on.

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