Sunday, March 19, 2023

Debuting 18 Years Later

Have you ever made something, loved the making of it, loved the finished item, but then never ever wore it?

That has been the fate of my gorgeous beaded Peacock Feathers Shawl, knit way back in 2005. I don't think I've worn it a single time! Well that is about to change. I'll wear it casually, as above, to FibresWest next Saturday. 

Here's how I displayed it for the finished object pictures in September of 2005. It shows off the lace pattern nicely, but I never wear a shawl that way. 

According to my Ravelry project page notes, the finished shawl weighs only 3 3/4 ounces with the beads. Without the beads it would have weighed less than 3 ounces. 


  1. That is a beautiful shawl. Have fun wearing it. Chelle

  2. Thanks Chelle. I see so many more shawls being worn now than I did back then. Most tend to wear them wrapped like a cowl or scarf now. I think with this very light shawl it will work well worn that way.
