Monday, September 27, 2004

Nearing the End

All I have left to do on the Twisted Rib Tank is the finishing of the armholes. Later today, after housework and exercise, I'll get to it and then tomorrow (or tonight!) I'll start the Rogue.

Michelle in answer to your question, I already have the zipper for the Rogue. Hopefully it will work out to be the right size. I bought it when I was in Dressew getting the zipper for the Green Possum Cardi. I know I am taking a chance because the Rogue's length can't easily be changed by slight amounts (only by adding or taking away entire pattern repeats.....which works out to be a large amount). I bought a zipper the length the Rogue is supposed to turn out for my size. Hopefully my gauge will be accurate enough that that will work out as planned. If not, I will have to buy another zipper which really isn't that big of a deal as they are only a couple of bucks at Dressew. I just wanted to save myself a trip into Vancouver.

As for which comes first, the knitting of the sweater or the purchase of the zipper, in most cases I would recommend getting the zipper first. In most sweaters you can adjust the length a little to fit your zipper, but it is often difficult to find a zipper exactly the right length for a project that is already finished.

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