Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Started the Rogue

I've started the Rogue cardigan. Er....yeah.....um.....didja notice that there are no pictures of the completed Twisted Rib Tank? Well....that'd be because it isn't completed. It is nearly done, does that count? All I have left to do is the finishing of the armholes but the Rogue leaped into my lap and it won't let go!

The weather here is beautiful, perfect Fall weather. Sunny and bright but not too hot. I have spent the afternoon sitting on the deck, cuddled in my Green Possum Cardi, knitting contentedly. I can do that guilt free because I was out on my daily walk before seven this morning. (yes, it is about to become daily....my New Years Resolution comes early this year) By ten I had done all the housework, including the laundry and was off to an appointment across town. On my way home I picked this up for my daughter.

Lisa is going to make a scarf as a birthday present for a friend. I found a varigated acrylic worsted and a varigated Fun Fur yarn that match beautifully and they aren't even made by the same company. She is holding one strand of each together throughout. I think it will be a lovely, personal gift. I'll put up another photo when she is finished.


  1. What a beautiful color combination. Great idea. I saw a purse pattern that was crochet and used yarn combined with fun fur yarn....your new Green Possum Cardi looks cozy, I wish I could knit like you!!

  2. But you CAN Maggie Anne! That cardigan is just stockinette stitch and a bit of ribbing. The "luxury" comes from the luscious yarn.
