Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Handspun Lace Rib Socks

These socks, with their handspun wool/mohair yarn and lacey rib pattern, were involved enough to hold my interest right through to the end.

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I knit them toe-up, two at a time on one circular needle. They were started with a figure 8 cast on, used a lace ribbing pattern from "Sensational Knitted Socks", and have a Peasant Heel. I finished them with a picot bind off for elasticity and worked out a stitch repeat for it (cast on 2, bind off 6, repeat around) that placed the picots over each vertical line of lace rib.

This is the second project I have knit from the same large batch of roving given to me by a very generous guild member when I was a brand new spinner. The first project was the Poinsettia Shawl. Stay tuned over the next few weeks for yet another project using this same yarn. It's already cast on........and it involves lace and beads.


  1. Woo hoo!! Those are just gorgeous. They look very luxurious!

  2. wow mom, those look awesome... i'm very impressed. :-)

  3. Those are beautiful. Nice spinning and knitting!

  4. i bow to your consumate skill. you are indeed masterful (mistressful, is that a word?). i love seeing your originals.

  5. lovely sock pattern and yarn :-)

  6. So fancy! They look really great.
