Friday, September 29, 2006

Spinning Beginning

While the good weather lasts I'm trying to keep to a schedule of combing wool in the afternoon and spinning the results in the evening. The little combed bundles go a suprisingly long way. Even if the weather stayed mild all winter and I was able to comb wool outside every single day and spin every single night, I'm guessing this huge tsunami of wool would last me several months. At least.

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Although the wool feels soft and the combed bundles feel relatively soft, I'm finding it actually feels kind of coarse while it's being spun. (?!) I intend to do a little bit of experimenting. The first few nights I'm going to concentrate on spinning quite fine. With the long fibers I find this quite easy to do.

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I'll then ply three singles together, skein it, wash it, and see what kind of results I have. I'll also do some up thicker and see what kind of effect that produces. I have found that not every wool that CAN be spun thin, should be. One batch of wool I experimented with recently was much nicer done a bit thick. It's just that I prefer to spin thin because I prefer to KNIT thinner yarns too. I also find heavier socks/sweaters too hot to be practical.

The little bunnies peeking out below my bobbin in the above picture? It's these two cuties.

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There were part of my gift bag from the annual Ryder Lake Spin-In. I've got the chime part loosely tied together so that they tinkle a bit as I spin.


  1. I love this post with that gorgeous wool, the color is wonderful. And I love the pictures of everything, my first close up pic of a spinning wheel and I'm very I'll be emailing you today..

  2. I've just noticed that you're going to be grandparents. How lovely! I'm so envious. You don't look nearly old enough. Must be all that soothing craft work instead of teaching like me...

  3. I'm 46. I'll be 47 by the time the first grandchild arrives.
