Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Charity Toque

For non-Canadians, a toque is "a close-fitting knitted hat, often with a tassel or pompom on the crown." At Rabbitch's request this one is destined for Vancouver.

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The hat is not as big as it at first might appear. The model is a bit of a pin-head.


  1. It's lovely, thank you! And no matter the size, it will find a good home.

  2. What a great hat! I'm sure it will be most welcome!

  3. Thanks Leanne, I was able to make it using leftover yarn from my stash.

    Rabbitch, it's a pretty standard "adult" size. It fit all the adults I tried it on around here. It looks big because the styrofoam head would be more like a large child's.

  4. Ah, sorry, thought you were saying it was a child's size. It's great, thanks!

    The "adult" hat I made last night will fit a 10-year-old or so. Or a very small-headed adult.

    I'm gonna try again tonight!

  5. i'm going to scrounge around in my stash today, and get started on that as well.

  6. A beauty! I like the way the color weaves through it.~~ I've posted the picture of the new rovings...when you get a chance...
