Thursday, October 12, 2006

Spindling Again

Maggie has inspired me to pick up my spindle again.

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I only spindle for brief periods of time...usually while I am watching for a pot to come to a boil or we'll just have to wait and see if it amounts to enough to enter this contest.


  1. Marlene, your spinning is so perfect...I'm thrilled to see this! Look at the uniformity of that 'twist'. I'm smiling from one ear to the other over here. The hat contest looks to be come up with the neatest things! Thanks for the video link btw...thats the first spinning wheel in action that I have ever seen...I was glued to the monitor here...grin. ~~~So, I've got a sample pack of wool. Interesting, and you know, I saw a needle felting demo on tv a while back and thought I'd like to try it..especially a flower like they did, but the tool is $20 plus dollars. I was surprised how expensive. A girl has to have some limits $$ don't you know...=). Hope you win one of those beautiful spindles...what a fun site that is too!

  2. In your this roving combed? It looks different than mine.

  3. Maggie, the roving in the photo is wool I have washed, dyed and combed myself. It is not commercially prepared top. It's a fleece from a rather coarse "down breed" (meat sheep) that I was given free. It is the same fleece I made my "Shy Sheep Vest" from.

  4. Your roving is so soft looking...and the color is very pretty! And to think you started from btw...(I got to thinking about this..) the video clip wasn't the first spinning wheel I ever saw in action...but the first one I have ever had a keen interest in (& therefore noticed) There's a guy who lives around here that would go to the 'fair' and spin..and I couldn't wait to move on...everything looked dirty that he had including his bare feet..aren't I awlful! Thanks for the link to me also. Tomorrow I will post a picture of my wonderful 3 'tp' rolls of spinning results and my spindle full of 'singles'.

  5. Maggie, it might be soft "looking", but it is not soft. In fact it is rather scratchy and coarse. It's a poor grade of wool for sure. I accepted the free wool so that I could experiment with dyeing techniques.

  6. Well, your dye technique was very succesful! Someone left me a comment about my Fairywool from Switzerland and she said it is coarse (it is but seems to spin well)..and not good for plying with itself but is good to use with something else (& for needle felting as you said too) so I'm thinking I could ply with a single of my other yarn..forget how to spell Borderleister...grin...told you I couldn't spell it w/o seeing a refresher.

  7. Ah, something I've always wanted to try...someday.
    Good luck on your 'Masters Knitting'! I love your lace ...and that wonderful bear stand..I'm so glad you described it.
