Friday, August 09, 2019

Nine Ribbons

I entered 8 exhibits in the 2019 Chilliwack Exhibition and managed to win 9 ribbons! 7 firsts, a second, and a Best in Show.

Firsts for a "counted cross-stitch on aida",

an "adult hat and scarf", (my Year in Temperatures Scarf with a hat to match)

a "recycled article with a major style change", (a tunic made from duvet cover)

"Spinning - any natural fibre, plied" (a 2 ply cotton)

"Collection of 3 or more decorative items", (16 of my Stitch Meditations")

"Yardage of woven material", (my travelling inlay Saori yardage)

"Wearable article woven with recycled material" (my coat from denim strips).
The coat also won a "Best in Show" rosette.

And in the "Scarf or cowl" category I received a second place. 


  1. Thanks RagingMoon. Each year I try to enter as many categories as I can. I like to support the local exhibition by doing what I can to plump up the Weaving/Spinning and NeedleArts sections. Even as a young child traipsing after my grandmother at the PNE I've loved looking at the handiwork of others. I'd hate for it to die out as people get too busy for what they consider to be "a dying art".

  2. I'm very happy for you, Marlene! Your work is exquisite, and you deserve the recognition.


  3. Thanks Donna. I appreciate the time you took to pop on over and to comment.

  4. I am super impressed with the wide variety of your stitching skills....needlework, knitting, weaving, spinning, sewing....

    Congratulations on your well deserved winnings!

  5. Thanks Speattle. I love fibre arts of all kinds and spend a lot of time with them.
