Monday, August 31, 2020

Planter Update

Those who dropped in to the blog mid-July know that this is an experimental year for our new half barrel planter. I'm back with an update.

The yellow "Canna Cannova" (the tall Calla lily in the back) took off with a vengeance, as did the unidentified vine, to the detriment of some of geraniums and trailing purple flowers. I've even thinned out that vine a little!

Here's a photo of what it looked like when first planted, so you can compare the Now and the Then.


If the Canna Cannova doesn't survive the winter it will definitely be on the top of my list of favourites to buy again next year.


  1. We are really pleased with the way it has taken off Joanne. It's in a little nook at the end of our driveway, right beside the gate to our backyard. Since we enter our home from the back it's like a little "welcome home" spot of colour. I love it.
