Saturday, September 12, 2020

Rock In Red

Today's effort at dotting a mandala on a rock. I've done quite a few mandala rocks in the past couple of weeks. This one is not one of my best pieces, but I wanted to show my struggles.

There's numerous things about this one that didn't go as well as I would have liked, "swooshes" being one of them. I keep giving in to the allure of adding swooshes since they add so much to a mandala -- usually. But in my case they turn out so terribly that they end up disappointingly irregular.

Here's what swooshes should look like!


  1. It looks amazing to me. You are being too hard on yourself.

  2. Thanks Gene. I'm having a lot of fun doing these dotted mandalas. Some are more successful than others, but they are always fun and relaxing to do.
