Edited to add:
Although it could technically be called "woven", it was not done on a loom at all. This is a crocheted afghan. You first crochet a mesh of "dc, ch1" (double crochet, chain 1) using the appropriate "weft colors" of the tartan, and then you crochet long chains for the "warp" which are woven by hand in and out of the mesh. This pattern, and many other tartan variations are available in the Australian Woman's Weekly, "Easy-to-Crochet Tartan Rugs" book.
It could be very good that it matches nothing in his apartment since he should be able to find it more easily! It's a beautiful blanket.
that's crochet?! It's gorgeous!
Neato! What loom did you do it on?
I am seriously impressed. I was trying to get a better close up of the photo to understand the stitches, but couldn't. Your son is one very lucky young man.
Although it could technically be called "woven", it was not done on a loom at all. This is a crocheted afghan. You first crochet a mesh of "dc, ch1" (double crochet, chain 1) using the appropriate "weft colors" of the tartan, and then you crochet long chains for the "warp" which are woven by hand in and out of the mesh. This pattern, and many other tartan variations are available in the Australian Woman's Weekly, "Easy-to-Crochet Tartan Rugs" book.
That is such a beautiful afghan. I have a nephew who quite enjoys crocheting and I do believe I shall pass this info on to him. Thanks for sharing with all of us.
Oh, wow- that is beautiful! very manly, too- I might add ;) I know he will cherish it and know that every stitch was with love!
I think it's very attractive without becoming 'pretty'! And washable too! The Boychild will love it - especially when he's sick that first time on his own & wants to lay on the couch in front of the tv.
Bright and warm and cheerful and a piece of his mom--kids need security blankets at any age. Well done!
WOW, I want one!! That is a beautiful ghan, my sons would be jealous. Lucky boy!
Your blanket is gorgeous. You are very talented. I love checking out all your work. Of course your best creation (by relation) is your granddaughter. She sure is a cutie.
Glad you liked our patterns in the Australian Women's Weekly Easy-to-Crochet Tartan Rug Book.
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