She's a Fairyland Minifee Mirwen head that arrived with my daughter's doll. For now Candace will be sharing a body with Shannon, the Fairyland Minifee Luka sculpt I introduced earlier.
The two girls will be traveling to Ban's together, but without their shared body, so for a while I'll be fitting the wardrobe items I'm knitting and sewing on a headless, hand-less, foot-less body. Um .... yeah ..... I promise I won't be showing creepy photos of that.
Thanks Chriss. Yes, they are meant to be more mature. Shannon is in her late teens, a college student. Candace is mid-twenties though very mature for her age.
Once they are complete, with faceups and at least one outfit each that reflects their personalities, I'll post short personality profiles for both.
can't wait to see how they turn out!
So cute doll.
i like to ..
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