Well you know what they say about the best laid plans.
Here is the intended Saori-style kitchen towel warp. Note the gaps?
Well perhaps they aren't all that obvious to a non-weaver, but I completely missed a couple of dents in the reed. That's a pretty normal, intentional deviation for Saori weaving, but I didn't intend to do it for tea towels. I think the "flaw" would make the tea towels more prone to wear and perhaps to catching on things.
As I was beaming on the warp I was thinking how fun it would be to weave it off for a top instead, and now I'll get my chance. The gaps will work much better as a Saori style top or vest and there just happens to be a weave-a-long happening on one of the Saori forums on Ravelry for this very type of thing. So yeah, I'm in!
Here's my progress so far:
It's a whole lot of fun weaving in this "no rules" style rather than in a regimented way using complicated patterns that have to be treadled just so or they are considered "wrong".
In Saori style weaving it's all good. Loops, skips, floats, a variety of textures and colours; it all adds to the "not made by machine" look. It's more "human", less "mass produced for Walmart".
1 comment:
Picked out yarns? I was supposed to pick out my yarns first? LOL
Actually yes, Chriss, I did pick out the yarns I planned to use. Kinda. Sorta. I don't have much of a stash so I'm pretty limited to what I can do. I put everything at all usable in a bin beside my loom and started weaving. After a short while I realized that despite my usual aversion to pink a fair bit of it was creeping into the weaving. I decided to use the pink as a unifying element. So while I'm using quite a large variety of colours and textures I'm trying to have at least some pink in every section.
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