
Friday, June 08, 2018


Poor Benjamin! He just got off the phone after receiving some frightening news!

It seems his wife has taken a wrong turn somewhere and has ended up in London, UK when she was supposed to be heading home to Canada!

He's so worried! Please send him some supportive thoughts.


Sweetsknit said...

This is the cutest picture ever. He really does look worried. I hope she makes it home soon.

Ruinwen Dagorielle said...

Poor Benjamin! I hope is wife founds her way back to him soon!

Marlene said...

It's all about the camera angle Sweetsknit, because of course the expression on a resin doll doesn't change unless you have awesome photo editing skills -- and I don't!

Yes Ruinwen, I was beginning to worry! But his wife arrived safe and sound an hour or so ago. New update coming right up!