This is a beaded, lace sash being blocked. Note the newly acquired "blocking wires", (made from 36" X 1/16" stainless steel tigg welding rods). The sash did not strictly need blocking as hanging it for a few days is said to pull it into shape. I just wanted to even out some inconsistencies in the edging.
The sash is for my daughter's wedding dress so I had to be sure it was done in time for the September 10th wedding. With that safely out of the way I can now return to the knitting of the Peacock Feathers Shawl. I've nearly forgotten the trauma of having to frog the last 10 rows that I had knit.
Your beaded, lace sash is beautiful and what an ingenious way to block it! I'll bet your daughter loves it : )
It wasn't finished the last time she saw it.
I've yet to trim the fringe. When that is done I will have another photo of it posted.
The sash is gorgeous!
33rd fo of the year? I am so, so behind!
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