
Monday, February 25, 2013

Bun Cover?!

Things are still really busy around here so I haven't had a lot of time lately for crafting. I did manage to whip this one thing up yesterday though. It's not what it might first appear to be!

not meant to be a hat

It might look like a hat for a Pukifee doll, but it's actually a hair bun cover for my five year old (nearly SIX year old) granddaughter's hip length hair. Yes! Her hair is past waist length now!

back of the -not a hat-

At school (with the ever present threat of head lice, yuuck!), she keeps her hair tied back all the time, either in a ponytail, a braid, or a bun, or some other well secured style. She quite likes having a bun, but with the busy movements of an energetic young girl the bun tends to unwind in a big hurry. I thought maybe a bun cover might help contain it.

bun cover!

I wasn't at all sure how well such an old fashioned hair accessory might be received by either her or her mom, but I went ahead and made one anyway. They don't take much time, and it's easier to show how they work and look, rather than try to explain it. 

When it didn't initially seem to be well received I placed it on Neelie's head and was surprised how nicely it worked as a doll hat!

Is this a hat?

But now Kaylen does seem to like it and she wants to wear it. I guess we'll soon see if it works as well as I hope it will. And more importantly -- if it's well received by her friends and classmates -- which would mean it might see more than one wearing!

Hopefully I can get a picture of HER modelling it soon. 


cjbj said...

Great idea, and No, no one else can Try it on!

Kayjay said...

Cute, maybe you'll start a new trend!

Ruinwen Dagorielle said...

What a thoughtful and great idea for your Granddaughter! It looks adorable on your doll as well. Hugs! :)

Marlene said...

Yeah, cjbj, just like hat, scarf, sweater and comb borrowing, sharing a bun cover would not be wise!

You never can tell Kayjay. Sometimes what seems old fashioned can take on a whole new life with a new generation.

I'm glad you think so Ruinwen.