The color is not right. I have fiddled with it a little and still can't get a true representation of the color. Even in "real life" I find that the appearance of this yarn varies considerably depending upon the lighting. In the rainy day photos I have taken it is coming out way too blue. In reality it is a soft lavender color.
I've had the cotton yarn for the next project sitting around since January. It is working up rapidly. This "beginnings" photo was taken in the late afternoon and by late evening, working on it sporadically, I had over 6" knitted. This will be a "Shapely Tank Top". So far I am having my doubts about the short row shapings of the hem line. It seems to me that they are packed too close together, that there should be a greater difference in the length of each subsequent row. On MY knitting anyway, it is turning out like a short, rather deep dart where I would think the effect should be more gradual and soft. I am leaving it as is though. Many, many people have knit this pattern successfully and to rave reviews. I'll try to trust that all will work out fine.
The baby set is adorable. Is it your design or a published one?
Aaaaaaahhhhhhh! Not The Shapely Tank Top!
The baby sweater is a design from the book, "Kids, Kids, Kids". There were no accompanying accessories so I designed my own by modifying other patterns and including the same eyelet stitch pattern. The hat is based on a free internet pattern and the booties are a much modified version of the baby socks in the Magic Loop booklet.
Yes, yes, it tis the Shapely Tank Top. But you will notice that I am not so foolish as to do it in a variegated yarn that might unwittingly highlight anatomy that doesn't need any additional attention. I like to think that I am capable of learning from other people's errors. (I make totally new and original errors instead).
SIXTEEN! i am so sick. i think i've gotten 5 or 6 done, and some of them small. sigh. do you work? i love your stuff, btw. hope the shapely turns out well. i liked your last tank, that was very well fitting
Dragon Knitter, please don't distress yourself by comparing your accomplishments to those of other knitters. Everyone's situation is different. I no longer work outside my home and it allows me the freedom and time to pursue my creative interests.
We all go through phases in our lives. I didn't always have the time, energy or interest in knitting that I now have. I've been knitting off and on for about 37 years and this is the first time I have ever finished so many projects in such a short time period. Several of the items I have completed were just baby socks too.
Relax. It's a hobby, not a race or a contest.
Hi F lame.
Thanks for that comment, I was feeling a little down about my knitting 'achievements'' which haven'T really amounted to much more than many dishcloths. Quite a few scarfs, hats and coasters and simple stuff. I think I was boring myself, I am working on the 5rectangle baby sweater and try to improve from there.
Having the tuesday knit club is helpful, thanks for creating it back when. Hope you are keeping well. Carol
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