Yup, I must be crazy.....but what a challenge. I've really been enjoying myself so far. This is the first graph I've mapped out. It is a design I found in Lizbeth Upitis' "Latvian Mittens".
I have four other graphs ready as well. One more from "Latvian Mittens" and two from "Wool Gatherings #67" by Meg Swansen. I am basing my design loosely on Megs concept of the "Giant Latvian-Mitten Cardigan" but I am substituting different graphs, a different size, different sleeve style, different length and a different gauge. In other words I am entirely remaking the cardigan and using Meg's original idea only as a jumping off point.
OH... HOW... COOL! I can't wait to watch the progress of this.
Thanks "knothead". I am afraid it will be a rather slow work in progress to watch though! With a yarn that fine of a gauge I'll be at this for many months.....if not years.
I am also known for getting...er.....sidetracked. Ask anyone who is waiting for the "Rogue" to be finished. I ran into a problem with the second sleeve (only that and the I-cord border to do for completion) and put it down one night and never picked it up again. I WILL though. Honest. Right after I get the beginning of this one organized.
HAH! Sidetracked is my middle name. Ever heard of Sidetracked Home Executives (SHEs). I am so one. The methods put forth in that book (or at least my adaptations of them ) are the only way I can stay on top of things (not that I always do). There's a website, if you want to know more: http://www.shesintouch.com
Yes, I actually read (and used) their book for quite some time many years ago. Have you seen the Fly Lady site? www.flylady.net It is like a simplified version of the Home Executive system. I joined a while back and really managed to get my act together using the suggestions. I no longer get the emails (once you "get it" the excessive emails telling you what to do next are annoying).
I am no longer a Side-Tracked Home Executive (well not usually anyway!), I was referring to my tendency to wander from one knitting project to the next without ever finishing some of them. I haven't yet found a cure for that.
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