Including my daughter, newly introduced to spinning that day. She did very well!
She filled two bobbins and plied them to create two skeins of her own, lovely handspun. She resisted, claiming she had enough on her plate already what with working full time and having far too many knitting projects on the go already. But we all know when it comes to spinning.....resistance is futile. It was only a matter of time before she was assimilated.
I sent her home with my older wheel (an Ashford Traditional), 100g of Blue Faced Leicester and an armload of Coopworth. I'll let her tell you about the door prize she won. I'm hoping that she'll post pictures on her blog soon of those first handspun skeins.
For the past several days I have been working (nearly non-stop) on preparing a presentation board and gathering my thoughts and supplies for a talk I was asked to do at the Spin-In. When called to do so I blathered on for 20 minutes or so about the various things that went into making the Shy Sheep Vest. It seemed well enough received. I was surprised (and flattered.....and nerve wracked) to be asked by one of the vendors to do the presentation again at her guild. If I am remembering correctly she is part of a HUGE guild in the lower mainland with a couple of HUNDRED members. *Eeeek!* Thank goodness most of the WORK of the presentation is done and it is just a matter of saving it safely somewhere until I need it again.
Congrats on your presentation. Don't worry about the other one... if she asked you, I'm sure you were good and you'll be good next time too.
Did you wear you shy sheep vest?
Good for you, being the speaker! I'm proud to know you...via blogging..= ). Wish I could have come to the Spin-In. It looks like a lot of fun and information for the having. Its great your daughter is now spinning, I think its fantastic. I was all 'ears' when I read you sent her home with one of your spinning wheels and 100g of roving....super! I haven't heard back from my seller yet (on ebay) but have constructed my cd drop spindle and am bravely trying with a duster full of roving I bought at a recent craft days for $1. Oh boy, its rough going so far ..grin. I won't give up though!
another one sucked into the vortex ;-)
both your branching out scarves are lovely!
Hi Marlene, I just posted a picture of my spinning results from last night and want you to come see! A measure of success is encouraging. At least I think its success...grin.
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