With the latest update to my "exercise ticker" I've passed 70 Mile House on my way from Chilliwack to Prince George. I lost a little time last week due to a knee strain and it has set me back. If I don't miss ANY of my scheduled workouts between now and the first of April I'll still make my deadline. Problem is, we have a grandchild due in the next few weeks and I'll be darned if I'll miss that for a workout. HA!
Hmmm --- maybe if I add a minute or two to each workout? Workout on an occasional Saturday?

And while we are speaking of "tickers" have you seen the "grand-baby ticker" at the top of my blog? Getting close now. Less than three weeks! SO exciting. This will be our first.
Your daughter looks amazing being so close to her due date...I was really cranky by the time I was that pregnant. LOL I can't wait to hear that the baby has arrived!
Thanks so much for posting about your journey through the masters program. I just started a few weeks ago and am appreciating your perspective.
Also wondering when your grandbaby is due? I am due March 6th but as this is our seventh (I know, I know- seven children and I went and signed up for the masters program- what am I thinking???) I tend to go early and fast.
Keep us posted!
She looks so beautiful. Soon you'll be part of the grandma's club!!
Your daughter looks radiant...and in the 'pink' of health. How exciting that the time is almost at hand. Can't wait to hear the good news! =)
How lovely to be a (nearly) granny. I'm desperate to be one but there's no immediate prospect. My children have spent too long in education! Looking forward to the baby pictures.
are you going to have a contest like la (over at jenla) as to what you want to be called? i'm no where near grandmotherhood (neither girl is dating or engaged or anything), so i haven't really contemplated it yet. or are you just gonna be Grandma?
What Michelle said. She looks radiant, and, well, I looked that pregnant at about five months, back in the day. Best of luck to both of you in your respective races to the finish lines!
Grandma (Gram-ma) is pretty traditional in my family Minnie although I'm open to whatever the grandchild(ren) wish to call me.
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